Here are some of our suggestions:
- Beware of "Tiny Tastes" - check out this handout from UNL extension educators. This is a great example of how little nibbles and samples throughout the day can add up to, in this example, 635 calories per day!! There are 38 days this year between Thanksgiving and New Years. If you ate 635 extra calories per day for 38 days, that is 22225 calories. If there are 3500 calories in a pound... that equals 6.35 pounds you would gain above normal over the holiday season this year!!!
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- Keep monitoring yourself - if you weigh yourself regularly, monitor your blood sugars, or measure out your portion sizes - keep using those tools! Even if you decide to have an extra treat, these regular reality checks will help keep you on track.
- Be choosy - when it comes to treats, we want you to savor your favorites! Think about that one item (perhaps two?) that you look forward to all year that is very special, and make sure you have a small serving. But skip the other stuff that is not that meaningful to you, or that is ordinary or available all year.
- Be a role model - be the one who contributes a healthy colorful dish to your holiday gatherings, and others may be grateful to have a healthy option too! Examples might include roasted brussel sprouts or roasted root vegetables, whole grain based side dishes, an unsweetened beverage or fresh fruit for dessert. You are probably not the only one who is trying to stay healthy this holiday season, but if you are - at least you will have one healthy dish to rely on!
- Be mindful - the holidays can be stressful and busy for many of us. Mindful eating, and mindfulness about your own needs, can help you to make better choices for yourself. Before you eat, or as you sit down at the table, take time to notice:
- how hungry are you physically?
- are you full? satisfied?
- what emotions do you feel?
- what is going on around you?
- where did your food come from?
- What smells, colors, textures, tastes do you notice?
What other strategies have you found helpful around the holidays? I hope you enjoy the season and take good care of yourselves!
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