Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What Does Self-Management Mean?

We use the term "diabetes self-management" a lot. One patient recently asked me, "does that mean I have to do everything myself?"

At Valley Medical, we offer Diabetes Education, Nutrition, and Endocrinology because we want to make sure you have everybody on your team that you need to better manage your diabetes. That includes:

· Endocrinology
· Eye Care
· Foot Care
· Behavioral Health Services
· Physical Therapy

And, of course, Diabetes Self-Management Education. That means classes or one-on-one appointments with diabetes educators and/or nutritionists to help you learn more about diabetes, trouble shoot your lifestyle choices, answer your questions, and help you to set goals.

So what does Diabetes Self-Management look like? It might include:
- monitoring your blood sugars at home
- keeping a food diary
- counting carbohydrates or measuring out your portion sizes
- incorporating physical activity into your routine
- seeing your doctor regularly
- managing stress

But you don't have to do any of it by yourself - we are here to teach you how, help you through, and continuously adapt your plan to your personal wants and needs.

Our goal is to see you empowered with the tools you need to manage your diabetes effectively - but when you need us, the resources are here. That's what self-management education means to us.

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